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Kollmannsberger H, Berger RG. Industrial recovery of strawberry flavour - fractional distillation versus plate condensation. Zeitschrift für Lebensmittel-Untersuchung und -Forschung. 1994 Jun;198(6):491-494. doi: 10.1007/BF01192846
Kollmannsberger H, Berger RG. Thermal recovery of black currant flavour: a case study on the industrial scale. Deutsche Lebensmittel-Rundschau (DLR). 1994;90:69-71.
Krings U, Berger RG. Adsorbentien für die Gewinnung von Aromastoffen aus wässrigen Lösungen-Screening geeigneter adsorptiver Materialien mit einer Modellaromalösung. Lebensmittelchemie. 1994;48:77.
Krings U, Berger RG. Trends in der Aromaforschung - Analytik eröffnet neue Möglichkeiten. Lebensmitteltechnik. 1994;10:54-55.
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Küchler W, Heitjans P, Payer A, Schöllhorn R. 7Li NMR relaxation by diffusion in hexagonal and cubic LixTiS2. SOLID STATE IONICS. 1994;70-71(PART 1):434-438. doi: 10.1016/0167-2738(94)90350-6
Kuhnt G, Herrmann M, Murphy P, Poremski HJ. Background and historical evolution of the EUROSoil project. in Kuhnt G, Muntau H, Hrsg., EUROSOILS Identification, Collection, Treatment, Characterization.. Band No. 1.94.60. Ispra/Italy: Joint Research Centre, European Commission. 1994. S. 3 - 9
Kuhnt G, Muntau H. EUROSOILS: Identification, Collection, Treatment, Characterization. 1994.
Kuhnt G, Vetter L, Lattanzio A, Loens J. Field work on EUROSoils: Profile analysis and sampling procedures. in Kuhnt G, Muntau H, Hrsg., EUROSOILS Identification, Collection, Treatment, Characterization.. Band Special Publication No. 1.94.60. Ispra/Italy: Joint Research Centre, European Commission. 1994. S. 41 - 58
Kuhnt G. Kokosöl - ein nachwachsender Rohstoff ohne Probleme? 1994.
Kuhnt G, Koerdel W, Vetter L, Bruhn N, Bo F, Serrini G et al. Pedological characterization and major element composition assessment. in Kuhnt G, Muntau H, Hrsg., EUROSOILS Identification, Collection, Treatment, Characterization.. Band Special Publication No. 1.94.60. Ispra/Italy: Joint Research Centre, European Commission. 1994. S. 59 - 72
Kuhnt G. Regionale Repräsentanz: Beiträge zu einer raumorientierten Meßtheorie. 1994.
Kukushkin IV, Fal'Ko VI, Haug RJ, Von Klitzing K, Eberl K, Tötemayer K. Evidence of the triangular lattice of crystallized electrons from time resolved luminescence. Physical review letters. 1994 Jan 1;72(22):3594-3597. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.72.3594
Kukushkin IV, Haug RJ, Von Klitzing K, Ploog K. Hierarchy of the fractional quantum Hall effect states studied by time-resolved magnetoluminescence. Physical review letters. 1994 Jan 1;72(5):736-739. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.72.736
Kukushkin IV, Haug RJ, Klitzing KV, Eberl K, Tötemeyer K. Influence of the electron-hole spatial separation on the magnetoluminescence measurements of the fractional-quantum-Hall-effect energy gaps. Physical Review B. 1994 Jan 1;50(15):11259-11262. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.50.11259
Kukushkin IV, Haug RJ, von Klitzing K, Eberl K, Ploog K. Time-resolved magnetoluminescence and Raman scattering measured in the regime of the fractional quantum Hall effect and of the Wigner solid. Surface science. 1994 Mär 20;305(1-3):55-60. doi: 10.1016/0039-6028(94)90858-3
Kullick T, Beyer M, Henning J, Lerch T, Quack R, Zeitz A et al. Application of enzyme field-effect transistor sensor arrays as detectors in a flow-injection system for simultaneous monitoring of medium components. Part I. Preparation and calibration. Analytica chimica acta. 1994 Okt 20;296(3):263-269. doi: 10.1016/0003-2670(94)80245-9
Kullick T, Ulber R, Meyer HH, Scheper T, Schügerl K. Biosensors for enantioselective analysis. Analytica chimica acta. 1994 Jul 29;293(3):271-276. doi: 10.1016/0003-2670(94)85032-1
Kullick T, Ulber R, Meyer HH, Scheper T, Schügerl K. Enzym‐Feldeffekttransistoren als enantioselektive Detektoren in der Fließinjektionsanalyse. Chemie Ingenieur Technik. 1994 Mai;66(5):700-706. doi: 10.1002/cite.330660516