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Kuhnt G. Kokosöl - ein nachwachsender Rohstoff ohne Probleme? 1994.
Kuhnt G, Koerdel W, Vetter L, Bruhn N, Bo F, Serrini G et al. Pedological characterization and major element composition assessment. in Kuhnt G, Muntau H, Hrsg., EUROSOILS Identification, Collection, Treatment, Characterization.. Band Special Publication No. 1.94.60. Ispra/Italy: Joint Research Centre, European Commission. 1994. S. 59 - 72
Kuhnt G. Regionale Repräsentanz: Beiträge zu einer raumorientierten Meßtheorie. 1994.
Kukushkin IV, Fal'Ko VI, Haug RJ, Von Klitzing K, Eberl K, Tötemayer K. Evidence of the triangular lattice of crystallized electrons from time resolved luminescence. Physical review letters. 1994 Jan 1;72(22):3594-3597. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.72.3594
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