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Heipke C, Englisch A, Speer T, Stier S, Kutka R. Semiautomatic extraction of roads from aerial images. in Ebner H, Heipke C, Eder K, Hrsg., Proceedings of SPIE : The International Society for Optical Engineering. 1994. S. 353-360. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering).
Heipke C, Piechullek C. Toward surface reconstruction using multi-image shape from shading. in Ebner H, Heipke C, Eder K, Hrsg., Proceedings of SPIE : The International Society for Optical Engineering. 1994. S. 361-369. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering).
Helber S. Kapazitätsorientierte Losgrößenplanung in PPS-Systemen. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung und C.E. Poeschel Verlag GmbH Stuttgart-Weimar, 1994.
Hellwich O, Heipke C, Tang L, Ebner H, Mayr W. Experiences with automatic relative orientation. in Ebner H, Heipke C, Eder K, Hrsg., Proceedings of SPIE : The International Society for Optical Engineering. 1994. S. 370-378. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering).
Herrmann K, Seifert M, Gaedke K, Jeschke H, Pirsch P. Architecture and VLSI implementation of a RISC core for a monolithic video signal processor. 1994. Beitrag in 1994 IEEE International Workshop VLSI Signal Processing, La Jolla, CA, USA.
Herrmann M, Kuhnt G, Muntau H. Ringtesting of the Modified Test Guideline for Adsorption/Desorption of Chemicals in Soils. in Copin A, Houins G, Pussemier L, Salembier JF, Hrsg., Environmental Behaviour of Pesticides and Regulatory Aspects. Rixensart/Belgium: European Study Service. 1994. S. 170 - 173
Hilmer F, Schirmer A, Ackermann H, Heitjans P, Steckmann HJ. β-Radiation Detected NMR in Solid and Liquid Neon. Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung - Section A Journal of Physical Sciences. 1994 Feb 1;49(1-2):27-30. doi: 10.1515/zna-1994-1-207
Holm T. Hochschild-Kohomologie von Blöcken mit zyklischer Defektgruppe. 1994.
Holtz F, Johannes W. Maximum and minimum water contents of granitic melts: implications for chemical and physical properties of ascending magmas. Lithos. 1994 Mär;32(1-2):149-159. doi: 10.1016/0024-4937(94)90027-2
Hotje H, Marchi M, Pianta S. On a class of point-reflection geometries. Discrete mathematics. 1994 Mai 28;129(1-3):139-147. doi: 10.1016/0012-365X(92)00508-O
Howes BD, Abraham ZHL, Lowe DJ, Brüser T, Eady RR, Smith BE. EPR and Electron Nuclear Double Resonance (ENDOR) Studies Show Nitrite Binding to the Type 2 Copper Centers of the Dissimilatory Nitrite Reductase of Alcaligenes xylosoxidans (NCIMB 11015). Biochemistry. 1994 Mär 1;33(11):3171-3177. doi: 10.1021/bi00177a005
Hoyningen-Huene P. Emergenz versus Reduktion. in Analyomen 1. Proceedings of the 1st Conference „Perspectives in Analytical Philosophy“. Berlin: de Gruyter. 1994. S. 324-332
Hoyningen-Huene P. Niels Bohr's Argument for the Irreducibility of Biology to Physics. in Faye J, Folse H, Hrsg., Niels Bohr and Contemporary Philosophy : Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science. Band 153. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. 1994. S. 231-255
Hoyningen-Huene P. Obituary of Paul K. Feyerabend. Erkenntnis. 1994;40:289-292.
Hoyningen-Huene P. Zu Emergenz, Mikro- und Makrodetermination. in Lübbe W, Hrsg., Kausalität und Zurechnung. Berlin: de Gruyter. 1994. S. 165-195
Hueck U, Reddy BD, Wriggers P. On the stabilization of the rectangular 4‐node quadrilateral element. Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering. 1994 Jul;10(7):555-563. doi: 10.1002/cnm.1640100707
Hulek K, Sankaran GK. The Kodaira dimension of certain moduli spaces of abelian surfaces. Compositio Mathematica. 1994;90:1-35.
Jacob HG. Eighth six monthly progress report (Fatigue Mecha-nisms and Failure Criteria of Rolling Lobe Air Springs). 1994 Jul.
Jacob HG. Final Technical Report (Fatigue mechanisms and Failure Criteria of Rolling Lobe Air Springs). 1994 Sep.
Janssen M, Seume J, Zimmermann H. Model V84.3 shop tests: tip clearance measurements and evaluation. Procedia CIRP. 1994;1-13.