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Fenner S, Green F, Homer S, Selman AL, Thierauf T, Vollmer H. Complements of multivalued functions. in Proceedings of the Annual IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity. 1996
Fischer U, Berger RG, Håkansson A, Noble AC. The impact of dealcoholization on the flavour of wine: Relating concentration of aroma compounds to sensory data using PLS analysis. in Flavour science: recent developments. Cambridge: The royal society of chemistry. 1996. S. 335-338 doi: 10.1533/9781845698232.6.335
Flohr MAI. Fusion and tensoring of conformal field theory And composite fermion picture of fractional quantum hall effect. Modern Physics Letters A. 1996;11(1):55-68. doi: 10.48550/arXiv.hep-th/9605152, 10.1142/S0217732396000084
Flohr MAI. On modular invariant partition functions of conformal field theories with logarithmic operators. International Journal of Modern Physics A. 1996;11(22):4147-4172. doi: 10.48550/arXiv.hep-th/9509166, 10.1142/S0217751X96001954
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Foerstner J, Olbrich F, Butenschön H. A New Mode of Reaction of tert-Butyl-phosphaethyne: Trinuclear Cyclopentadienyl-cobalt Clusters with P, PS, and PO as µ3µ Complex Ligands. Angewandte Chemie (International Edition in English). 1996 Jun 17;35(11):1234-1237. doi: 10.1002/anie.199612341, 10.1002/ange.19961081120
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Frahm H, Rödenbeck C. Integrable models of coupled Heisenberg chains. Europhysics Letters (EPL). 1996 Jan 1;33(1):47-52. doi: 10.1209/epl/i1996-00302-7
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Franke K, Tscheuschner HD. Einfluß der Kühlkinetik auf die qualitätsgerechte Auskristallisation von Schokoladenüberzügen. 1996. Beitrag in GVC-Fachausschuss "Lebensmittelverfahrenstechnik" 1996, Würzburg, Deutschland.
Franke HJ, Hartmann H, Lachmayer R, Erfinder/-innen. Kreiselpumpenaggregat mit integrierter Wärmesperre. EP0731280A1. 1996 Sep 11.
Franke HJ, Fritsch J, Lachmayer R. Schaden beim Einsatz keramischer Werkstoffe im Tribosystem mit Wasser. Tribologie und Schmierungstechnik. 1996;43(1):40-42.
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Fröhlich P, Nejdl W, Schroeder M. Design and implementation of diagnostic strategies using modal logic. in Alferes JJ, Pereira LM, Orlowska E, Hrsg., Logics in Artificial Intelligence - European Workshop, JELIA 1996, Proceedings. Springer Verlag. 1996. S. 104-118. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)).
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Geck B, Marquardt J, Sagebiel M. Homodyne network analyzer based on the FMCW method and digital signal processing. CPEM Digest (Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements). 1996;530-531.