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Dumke K, Borsi H, Gockenbach E. Experimental investigations on the behavior of decomposition gases in insulating liquids caused by partial discharge and breakdown. 1996. Beitrag in 1996 IEEE 12th International Conference on Conduction & Breakdown in Dielectric Liquids, ICDL'96, Roma, Italy.
Dumke K, Borsi H, Gockenbach E. Fundamental investigations on the influence of temperature and water content on the electrical behavior of fluid impregnated insulating papers. Conference Record of IEEE International Symposium on Electrical Insulation. 1996;2:542-545.
Duttmann R, Mosimann T. Flächenhaft-quantitative Modellierung landschaftshaushaltlicher Prozesse. in Beiträge zur Regionalen Geographie. 1996. S. 66 - 75. (Beitr. z. Regionalen Geographie; 42).
Duttmann R, Beins-Franke A, Wickenkamp V. Integration objektbezogener Modelle in Geographische Informationssysteme am Beispiel der dynamischen Modellierung ökologischer Prozesse. Karlsruher Geoinformatik Report 1. 1996;4 - 10.
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Ebeling W. On coxeter-dynkin diagrams of hypersurface singularities. Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 1996;82(5):3657-3664. doi: 10.1007/BF02362570
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Ernst G, Haug RJ, Klingenstein M, Kuhl J, Von Klitzing K, Eberl K. Photoconductive switches for time-resolved transport measurements at low temperatures and high magnetic fields. Applied physics letters. 1996 Dez 1;68(26):3752-3754. doi: 10.1063/1.115995
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