QUEST Leibniz Research School
Objectives of the Research Line

Scientific Aims of QUANOMET

The research focus QUANOMET is strongly interdisciplinary. Thus, it also has an impact on other specialist areas, which will benefit considerably from the methods and concepts developed here.

Thus, central TUBS and LUH partners of QUANOMET participate in the call for proposals "Top research in Lower Saxony" as part of the Society 100 location concept and "Foundations of Physics and Metrology" joint project. QUANOMET also contributes to the "Mobilise" priority area with its many sensory, logistical, navigation-based and soon autonomous areas. There will be direct links with new processes in manufacturing and production technology, with "Structural Health and Life Cycle Monitoring" of buildings, as well as with sensor technology in general and environmental sensor technology in particular in the "City of the Future".

Furthermore, in 10 to 20 years autonomous robots in the private and industrial environment will be at least as ubiquitous as smartphones or tablet computers today. All these developments are generally based on all-embracing sensor technology, which in turn would be inconceivable without well-founded quantum and nanometrology.

Research Areas

Quantum Technologies



Quantum Sensors

  • Atomic clocks in space and on earth
  • Quantum sensors for applications in space and on earth
  • gravitational wave detection
  • Measurement of natural constants

Quantum Research

  • Environmental monitoring
  • Geosensor Networks
  • Quantum Matter, Quantum opto mechanics and Quantum dynamics
  • Quantum computers and Quantum information


  • Nanostructuring and precision measurement
  • 3D Nanoprinting
  • Fundamental constants
  • Universal Nano-Standards
  • 3D Nanometrology

Nano Research

  • Coordinated nanostructures
  • Coupled quantum phenomena
  • Semiconductor nanostructures
  • Quantum effects in nanostructures
  • Growth of quantum and nanopoints
  • Earth system research
  • Autonomous systems
  • Navigation
  • Structural health and live cycle monitoring of structures
  • Life sciences
  • Robotic Systems
  • Ubiquitous applications and sensor technology
  • Industry 4.0