QuantumFrontiers MasterClasses

QuantumFrontiers MasterClasses are one-day (Hannover) or 90-minute (Braunschweig) workshops on current topics in quantum metrology for students in the upper secondary school (introductory and qualification phase). The students are introduced to topics of current research on the basis of the skills they have acquired in physics and mathematics classes. In the process, they can not only experiment and learn about new areas of physics, but also gain an insight into the scientific community through contact with researchers.
The foeXlab in Hanover

The foeXlab is an extracurricular learning location for all schools with secondary level II in the region of Hannover. Pupils are given the opportunity to conduct experiments on central topics of upper secondary physics education. In addition, the foeXlab offers internships on various topics for the seminar subject in physics. The foeXlab is the interferometer laboratory of the SFB 1227 DQ-mat for students.
phySiqo - Physical Summer Internship

Are you interested in physics? Would you like to study physics, but are not sure yet? Then the phySiqo physics internship is just right for you! Within two weeks, the participants have the opportunity to conduct exciting experiments with lasers at Leibniz University Hannover, to complete a soldering and electronics course, to gain insights into current research activities and to get insider information about studying physics.
Internships for Pupils in Companies

In cooperation with institutes of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, the Leibniz ForscherWerkstatt offers places for a two-week, occupation-oriented student internship. During the internship, experiments are planned and carried out by the pupils themselves, the university is explored and, if possible, research laboratories are visited.

Callinstraße 36
30167 Hannover

Callinstraße 36
30167 Hannover