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Westphal E. Elektromagnetisches und thermisches Verhalten des Kaltwand-Induktions-Tiegelofens. Düsseldorf: VDI-Verl, 1996. (Fortschritt-Berichte VDI).
Westphal E, Blum M. Innovativer Einsatz elektrothermischer Verfahren. in Automatisierung und innovative Techniken in Verkehrs- und Energiesystemen: Vorträge der ETG-Fachtagung anläßlich des VDE-Kongresses '96 am 16. und 17. Oktober 1996 in Braunschweig. Berlin: VDE Verlag GmbH. 1996
Wicht A, Brozek S, Klausing H, Mueller G, Quetschke V, Rinkleff RH et al.. On the Realization of Negative (Anomalous) Dispersion without Absorption. 1996. Beitrag in 1996 European Quantum Electronics Conference (EQEC'96), Hamburg, Ger. doi: 10.1109/eqec.1996.561610
Wickenkamp VAO, Duttmann R, Beins-Franke A, Mosimann T. Ansätze zur GIS-gestützten Modellierung dynamischer Systeme und Simulation ökologischer Prozesse. 1996.
Will T, Giese U. Einfluß von Weichmacheraerosolen auf die Probenahme und Analytik von Luftinhaltsstoffen in der Gummiindustrie. KGK-Kautschuk und Gummi Kunststoffe. 1996 Mär;49(3):200-205.
Willamowski U, Gross T, Ristau D, Welling H. Calorimetric measurement of optical absorption and transmissivity with sub-ppm sensitivity. 1996. Beitrag in Specification, Production, and Testing of Optical Components and Systems, Glasgow, UK. doi: 10.1117/12.246744
Willamowski U, Groß T, Ristau D, Welling H. Calorimetric measurement of optical absorption at 532nm and 1064nm according to ISO/FDIS 11551. in Third International Workshop on Laser Beam and Optics Characterization: 7-10 July 1996, Québec City, Canada. Bellingham: SPIE. 1996. S. 483-494. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering). doi: 10.1117/12.259934
Winkel TM, Dutta LS, Grabinski H. Accurate determination of the characteristic impedance of lossy lines on chips based on high frequency S-parameter measurements. 1996. Beitrag in 1996 IEEE Multi-Chip Module Conference, Santa Cruz, California, USA / Vereinigte Staaten. doi: 10.1109/MCMC.1996.510793
Winkel TM, Dutta LS, Grabinski H. An on-wafer deembedding procedure for devices under measurement with error-networks containing arbitrary line lengths. in 47th ARFTG Conference Digest - Spring 1996: High Power RF/Microwave Device Measurements, ARFTG 1996. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. 1996. S. 102-111. 4119842. (47th ARFTG Conference Digest - Spring 1996: High Power RF/Microwave Device Measurements, ARFTG 1996). doi: 10.1109/ARFTG.1996.327170
Winkel TM, Sagar Dutta L, Grabinski H, Grotelueschen E. Determination of the propagation constant of coupled lines on chips based on high frequency measurements. 1996. Beitrag in 1996 IEEE Multi-Chip Module Conference, Santa Cruz, California, USA / Vereinigte Staaten. doi: 10.1109/MCMC.1996.510777
Woenckhaus J, Schäfer R, Becker JA. Size-selective measurements of silicon-cluster polarizabilities by a cluster-beam deflection technique. Surface review and letters. 1996. doi: 10.1142/S0218625X9600067X
Wördenweber B, Lachmayer R, Witt U. Intelligente Frontbeleuchtung. ATZ Automobiltechnische Zeitschrift. 1996;98(10):546-551.
Wriggers P, Eberlein R, Reese S. A comparison of three-dimensional continuum and shell elements for finite plasticity. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 1996 Aug;33(20-22):3309-3326. doi: 10.1016/0020-7683(95)00262-6
Wriggers P, Hueck U. A formulation of the QS6 element for large elastic deformations. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. 1996 Mai 15;39(9):1437-1454. doi: 10.1002/(SICI)1097-0207(19960515)39:9<1437::AID-NME905>3.0.CO;2-P
Wriggers P, Reese S. A note on enhanced strain methods for large deformations. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 1996 Sep;135(3-4):201-209. doi: 10.1016/0045-7825(96)01037-7
Wriggers P. Finite element methods for contact problems with friction. Tribology international. 1996 Dez;29(8):651-658. doi: 10.1016/0301-679X(96)00011-4
Wriggers P, Korelc J. On enhanced strain methods for small and finite deformations of solids. Computational mechanics. 1996;18(6):413-428. doi: 10.1007/BF00350250
Yuan JQ, Zhou Y, Guo SR, Yan L, Bellgardt KH. Cell cycling and quality control for baker's yeast fed-batch fermentation. Process Control and Quality. 1996 Aug;8(2-3):103-110.
Zavarise G, Wriggers P. On the efficiency of new and old strategies for solving contact problems. ZAMM Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik. 1996 Dez 1;76(5):563-564.
Zhao QX, Oestreich M, Magnea N. Electron and hole g-factors in CdTe/CdMgTe quantum wells. Applied Physics Letters. 1996 Dez 9;69(24):3704-3706. doi: 10.1063/1.117195