Fatigue behaviour of wire arc additively manufactured sheet material

authored by
Cheng Huang, Lingzhen Li, Niels Pichler, Elyas Ghafoori, Leroy Gardner

Wire arc additive manufacturing (WAAM) is a metal 3D printing technique well recognised in the construction sector for its high efficiency, cost-effectiveness and flexibility in build scales. However, there remains a lack of fundamental data on the structural performance of WAAM elements, especially regarding their fatigue behaviour. A comprehensive experimental study into the fatigue behaviour of WAAM steel plates has therefore been undertaken and is reported herein. Following geometric and mechanical characterisation, a series of WAAM coupons was tested under uniaxial high-cycle fatigue loading. A total of 75 fatigue tests on both as-built and machined coupons, covering various stress ranges and stress ratios, have been conducted. The fatigue test results were analysed using constant life diagrams (CLDs) and S-N (stress-life) diagrams. The CLDs revealed that the fatigue strength of the as-built WAAM steel was relatively insensitive to the different stress ratios. The S-N diagrams showed that the surface undulations resulted in a reduction of about 35% in the fatigue endurance limit for the as-built WAAM material relative to the machined material, and a reduction of about 60% in fatigue life under the same load level. Preliminary S-N curves were also proposed for the WAAM steel.

Institute of Steel Construction
External Organisation(s)
Imperial College London
Swiss Federal Laboratories for Material Science and Technology (EMPA)
ETH Zurich
Conference article
Procedia Structural Integrity
No. of pages
Publication date
Publication status
Peer reviewed
ASJC Scopus subject areas
Civil and Structural Engineering, General Materials Science, Mechanics of Materials, Mechanical Engineering
Electronic version(s)
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.prostr.2024.03.006 (Access: Open)