Bose-Einstein condensation of 41K and 87Rb on an atom chip for sounding rocket missions

authored by
Baptist Piest
supervised by
Ernst Maria Rasel

This thesis presents the next generation atom chip apparatus for the sounding rocket missions MAIUS-2 and -3. With the new apparatus, Bose-Einstein condensates containing 3 · 10E5 atoms of Rb-87 or 6 · 10E4 atoms of K-41 are generated within 3.4 s in ground-based operation. In addition, quantum degenerate mixtures with variable isotope ratios can be provided. An analysis of sympathetic cooling of K-41 under the influence of gravity and prospects for thermalization rates in microgravity are given. The expansion dynamics of single species Bose-Einstein condensates released from a magnetic trap is analyzed in detail. It is shown that transient magnetic fields during trap switch-off have a considerable impact on the expansion dynamics. Further, collective excitations of single and mixed ensembles are evaluated. Due to interspecies damping, collective excitations of interacting mixtures of K-41 and Rb-87 are strongly suppressed. Finally, the influence of gravity on a trapped and strongly interacting mixture is observed via rotation of the whole apparatus.

Institute of Quantum Optics
QUEST-Leibniz Research School
Doctoral thesis
No. of pages
Publication date
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Electronic version(s) (Access: Open)

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