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Mueller G, Mueller M, Wicht A, Rinkleff R, Danzmann K. High resolution interferometry with steep dispersion. 1996. Beitrag in 1996 European Quantum Electronics Conference (EQEC'96), Hamburg, Ger.
Mühlbach G. On hermite interpolation by Cauchy-Vandermonde systems: The Lagrange formula, the adjoint and the inverse of a Cauchy-Vandermonde matrix. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. 1996 Feb 20;67(1):147-159. doi: 10.1016/0377-0427(94)00116-2
Mühlbauer A, Leßmann HJ. Experimental and Numerical Investigations of Industrial Heating Processes. in XIII International Congress on Electricity Applications: International Convention Centre, Birmingham, UK, 16 - 20 June 1996. London: Institute of materials. 1996. S. RE33-RE40
Mühlbauer A, Muiznieks A, Panschow R. Induktive Erwärmung von rotationssymmetrischen Einsätzen komplizierter Form aus ferromagnetischem Stahl. Elektrowärme international (EWI). 1996;54(B2):78-86.
Muller G, Muller M, Wicht A, Rinkleff R, Danzmann K. The properties of coherent population trapping and possible applications in high-resolution interferometry. 1996. Beitrag in 1996 6th Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, QELS, Anaheim, CA, USA.
Müller G, Wicht A, Rinkleff R, Danzmann K. A new kind of heterodyne measurement of Coherent Population Trapping in an atomic beam. Optics communications. 1996 Jun 1;127(1-3):37-43. doi: 10.1016/0030-4018(96)00134-4
Müller T, Heuer D, Pfnür H, Köhler U. Domain walls and adsorbate-step interactions: an STM study of sulphur layers on Ru(0001). Surface science. 1996 Feb 1;347(1-2):80-96. doi: 10.1016/0039-6028(95)04968-1
Müller J, Nordtvedt K, Vokrouhlický D. Improved constraint on the α1 PPN parameter from lunar motion. Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology. 1996 Nov 15;54(10):R5927-R5930. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevD.54.R5927
Mundus C, Müller-Warmuth W, Buhl JC. Crystallization of a basic sodalite under hydrothermal conditions studied by MAS-NMR, XRD and DTA/DTG. European journal of mineralogy. 1996 Apr 22;8(2):231-239. doi: 10.1127/ejm/8/2/0231
Nacke B. Improved operating behaviour and efficiences for channel induction furnaces. Foundry Trade Journal. 1996 Jan;169(3514):14-17.
Nakajima Y, Voges C, Nagao T, Hasegawa S, Klos G, Pfnür H. Critical scattering at the order-disorder phase transition of Si(111)- 3 × 3 R30°-Au surface: A phase transition with particle exchange. Physical Review B. 1996;55(13):8129-8135. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.55.8129
Nemchinov L, Hadidi A, Maiss E, Cambra M, Candresse T, Damsteegt V. Sour cherry strain of plum pox potyvirus (PPV): Molecular and serological evidence for a new subgroup of PPV strains. PHYTOPATHOLOGY. 1996 Nov;86(11):1215-1221. doi: 10.1094/Phyto-86-1215
Nicholson D, Dickson CA, Watkins WJ, Schutz BF, Shuttleworth J, Jones GS et al. Results of the first coincident observations by two laser-interferometric gravitational wave detectors. Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics. 1996 Aug 5;218(3-6):175-180. doi: 10.1016/0375-9601(96)00438-0
Nowak M, Behrens H, Johannes W. A new type of high-temperature, high-pressure cell for spectroscopic studies of hydrous silicate melts. American mineralogist. 1996 Dez 1;81(11-12):1507-1512. doi: 10.2138/am-1996-11-1222
Nübel B, Fenner W. Adolph Freiherr Knigge in Kassel. Kassel: Weber & Weidemeyer, 1996. ("Kassel trifft sich - Kassel erinnert sich").
Nübel B. Einleitung oder Über den Umgang mit Knigge. in Adolph Freiherr Knigge in Kassel. Kassel: Weber & Weidemeyer. 1996. S. 8-36
Nübel B. Empfindsame Erkenntnisse in Robert Musil: Die Verwirrungen des Zöglings Törleß. Der Deutschunterricht. 1996;1996(2):50-61.
Nübel B. Karl Philipp Moritz: Der kalte Blick des Selbstbeobachters. in Moritz zu Ehren: Beiträge zum Eutiner Symposium im Juni 1993. Eutin: Struve. 1996. S. 31-52
Nübel B. Literarische Figurationswandlungen um 1800: Tagebuch, Autobiographie und Bildungsroman. in Alte Welten - Neue Welten. Band 2. Tbingen: Niemeyer. 1996. S. 251
Nübel B. Zum Verhältnis von "Kultur" und "Nation" bei Rousseau und Herder. in Nationen und Kulturen: Zum 250. Geburtstag Johann Gottfried Herders. Würzburg: Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications. 1996. S. 97-111